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Mission, vision and values

Our Mission: Creating better medical devices

  As our company’s Chinese name ‘正合’ means deep-rooted correctitude and cooperation, we’re always developing and creating more advanced, easy-to-use and effective medical products, with oriental and occidental talents, to benefit the people.

Our Vision: Benefit human health

  In the past, the Treasure Voyages of Zheng He started the epoch-making communication and fusion by sea between the Oriental and the Occidental. Today, ZENER MEDTEC makes sail, to benefit human health with a combination of both oriental and occidental wisdom.

Our Values: Considerateness, Passion, Respect and Responsibility

We aim to build strong, intimate relationships with clients, patients and health professionals, providing them with our considerate products and solutions.

In Zener, we’re always full of passion and enthusiasm, as our target remains, making great efforts to improve our patients’ quality of life.

Respecting each other and respecting the world around is Zener’s core culture as always.